Efficiency & 1-Bedroom Homes available at Osage Village ALL utilities PAID! Has openings!
1-Bedroom Ronda Lane.
1-Bedroom Duplex
2-Bedroom Duplex
3-Bedroom homes
4-Bedroom homes
Section 8 Voucher program is available.
Landlords that are interested please check out the YouTube video regarding the program.

Chanute Housing Authority now is partnered up with Bob.ai to do our housing applications the site will direct you to the site creating an account and you can apply for both of our housing prgrams
Who Are We:
The Chanute Housing Authority operates under the umbrella of the City of Chanute, providing affordable housing options for income eligible individuals and families wishing to live in Chanute Kansas.
Pat Shields-Chair
Mike Reid-Vice Chair
Mikki Herrera-Secretary-Executive Director
Tim Fairchild- City Representative
Mike DeLaTorre
Jennifer Dietsch
Anna Methvin
In Public Housing, applicants are housed in properties owned by the housing authority, whereas in HCV (Section 8), participants are housed in units owned by individual landlords, private sector agencies, corporations, and non-profit organizations. Both housing programs are designed to assist participants in finding safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Public Housing is rental property that is owned, managed, and leased by a housing authority. The Housing Authority owns and manages apartments in 3 communities, which are leased to low-income families on an income-based rental rate.
HCV Program (Section 8) rental property is owned and managed by private landlords who list their property with a housing authority, who in turn, refers prospective tenants to their property. The housing authority also subsidizes part of the tenant's rent to the landlord.
To be eligible for public housing, your income must be less than 80% of the area median income provided to the PHA by HUD. Final determination of income is reviewed once all third-party verifications have been received.
Public housing is limited to low-income families and individuals. The housing authority determines your eligibility based on: 1) annual gross income; 2) whether you qualify as elderly, a person with a disability, or as a family; and 3) U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status.
If you are eligible, the housing authority will check your background through a series of standard screening tests designed to protect the safety of our current residents and property. At minimum, we screen 1) criminal history in the past five years; 2) credit as it relates to your rental history, including evictions; and 3) references from past landlords. Based on this screening, the housing authority will deny admission to any applicant whose habits and practices may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other residents or on the public housing environment.
You may be determined ineligible for admission to both public housing and the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) programs if any of the following applies:
Your annual income exceeds the maximum limits.
You have an outstanding balance due under the law to a public housing authority or a private landlord. An owing balance includes unpaid rent, maintenance charges, and legal costs. (Applicants may provide evidence of mitigating circumstances relating to the outstanding balance (for example, loss of income), which will be reviewed before a decision on eligibility is made.)
You have a criminal history of drug possession and/or sales, disorderly conduct, physical violence and/or other criminal activity, which would adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of other residents.
Note: If your application is rejected or withdrawn for any reason, you will be given notice of an opportunity to dispute this decision at an informal hearing.